As all of you know, fish tacos can make or break a Mexican Restaurant. Tonight I dined at El Nido in Danville, California and I was pleased to see that FISH TACOS's were the special with rice and beans, and only $11.00 for the plate (usually $13.50). Perfect- an opportunity to explore yet another fish taco! The excitement only lasted for a few moments when I opened the menu and found that these fish tacos were made of grilled sea bass. The amature fish taco eater may have found this choice of fish intriguing, but I'm not a fan of sea bass and any expert knows that it does NOT belong in a fish taco. Anyway, I ordered the entre and this is what I got:

The only plus to this plate was that it was hot and I like my food piping hot. Besides the clear lack of plating skills, there were several mistakes made... First of all, there were no crunchies. Give me cabbage or give me lettuce but you have to have something crunchy on fish tacos! Secondly, the sea bass was terrible as I suspected- I even told my waiter that there was something wrong with it. It had a pretty nasty over cooked and not fresh flavor to it. I guess I made a big enough fuss about it- when I was walking out of the restaurant, I noticed that the FISH TACO special had changed to STEAK TACO special. A big thumbs down for El Nido. Sorry, but I'm not going back.