Friday, May 30, 2008


Casa Orozco is generally known for decent over-priced Mexican food in the Tri-Valley, but all that I can say about their fish taco is 'HOW DARE THEY!!!'

HOW DARE THEY use frozen fish fillet!
HOW DARE THEY put tar-tar sauce on a fish taco!
HOW DARE THEY charge $16.50 for it!

What a disappointment. The funny thing was that I heard a girl at a nearby table telling her party how good the fish tacos were. If she only knew. She clearly doesn't read Fish Taco Magazine.

These fish tacos belong on the kids menu.


Andrew & Holly Larson said...

HOW DARE THEY is a great article

Karen S said...

I've somehow ventured into the land of the Fish Taco. I love it, but more than the words, I love that you took a picture of your meal. We went to Casa Orozco once and were not impressed. We have a really good authentic Mexican restaurant in Concord. Fish tacos? Perhaps.

Ben and Kimberly McEvoy said...

I enjoy keeping tabs here. very nice real time journalism. I am attempting to get myself tapped into the San Diego market for fish tacos. Been here for over a year and have only been to 1 place other than chain style. I've got some catching up to do. I will make correction and I plan on reporting my findings for your readership.